Please join us this Friday evening, November 1,
from 5:30 to 8:00, for the opening reception of
My Lai, 50 Years After:
Photographs by John Steele
The morning of March 16, 1968, was an infamous one for United States international diplomacy and wartime conduct. The Vietnam War was raging. The TET Offensive was still in full swing after starting six weeks earlier. On that morning, Charlie Company, with Lt. William Calley leading, killed 504 civilians: the elderly, young women, and 129 children under the age of ten.
Vietnam veteran John Steele has returned to Vietnam five times since the end of the war. He has become friends with many of those he used to call his enemies. Most recently, in March of 2018, he attended the 50th anniversary observance of the My Lai Massacre. Eighteen of the photographs he took at this event will be on display at the gallery.
Steve Lindsay will play jazz piano at the reception.
We hope you can come. The show will be up through November 30. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 10 to 5. The phone number is (207)596-0800.